Update 5-15-18 by the Office of Jen Ruggles
AFTERNOON UPDATE on Check Points & Highway 130 (Morning update below):
I just got off the phone with Donald Smith of State Highways and they will put a steel plate over the crack and Hwy 130 will be open tomorrow morning. They will still need to be actively monitoring it because the levels of Sulfur Dioxide may become deadly again and they may have to reclose it, but it will be open starting in the morning!
We finally got some clear answers on how the check points work at will work starting today via Bill at the Civil Defense. Disclaimer: I am NOT the one setting this policy – I’m sorry – it’s burdensome.
PROPERTY OWNERS: Show some proof of address, like your property tax bill or electricity bill.
RENTERS & THOSE HELPING EVACUEES: The property owner must email
– Their name
– The address
– Pic of the Photo ID of the property owner.
– Proof they own the property
– List of all authorized individual’s names
– Your phone number & their phone number
– License plate number
– Vehicle description.
Civil Defense will then forward this to the police department and it will take 24 hours for the information to be in the Police Dept’s system at the checkpoints.
You can only use Kapoho rd, Pohoiki Rd, and Hwy 130 if you actually live on those roads.
FARMERS AND RANCHERS: The Farm Services Agency has requested that any farmer or rancher suffering damage to their farm or ranchland contact the Hilo Office as soon as possible.
US Consolidated Farm Services Agency
154 Waianuenue Ave # 219, Hilo, HI 96720
Phone: (808) 933-8381
MORNING UPDATE via Ikaika Marzo This morning another fissure opened west of Fissure 18, across Lani Puna, across the street from PGV, up the rift. [On that note personally, the closer the lava gets to PGV the more risk there is to PGV and the surrounding neighborhood. For anyone within 2-3 miles of PGV, it’s my recommendation that they be ready to evacuate at moment’s notice.]
Hwy 132 is only accessible for local traffic. The north east of the flow front is about 150 yards from Hwy 132. The main flow front is headed straight down between Kapoho Vacation Land and Ahalanui Beach Park. This main flow is about ¾ miles away from Hwy 132.
All the lava we’ve been seeing in the past week and a half is the lava from the 1955 flow, and it was only since yeseterday that HVO’s lava analysis show lava from Pu’u O’o, (that has been pushing the lava from ‘55 out). [This is significant because it could signal a lot more lava could be on it’s way.]
Mahalo Ikaika!
There will be another community meeting tonight at 5:30pm at the Pahoa High Cafeteria. (I’m sorry for the late notice, I only just learned this).
Stay calm, be prepared, and be safe. Call civil defense if you have any questions 808-935-0031.
Morning Update:
Hwy 132 past Lava Tree Park and Hwy 137 (from 4 corners in Kapoho to Kalapana) is only open to residents. A roadblock being manned by DOCARE at the entrance to Govt. Beach Road from Hawaiian Shores through Wa`awa`a to 4 corners. National Guard and DOCARE units will be deployed along the coastline and all access points. Police will begin monitoring access on Railroad Avenue from the Hawaiian Beaches end. Only local traffic, (no sightseeing).
As of yesterday teams have been seeking everyone along Hwy 137 from Uncle Roberts to Kapoho at 4 corners to alert them of the possibility of being cut off, gassed, and/or having a lava flow pop up in their neighborhood. The request is alertness and early evacuation.
As you probably already know, Fissure #17 opened last night, and #18 opened this morning, 500 yards makai of #16, and ½ mile east of PGV.
Kilauea summit still deflating slowly. No major eruptive events. Some signs of water mixing in the steam and ash plume, but geologists can’t tell if it is just rainwater. Tilt measurements are still the only measurement that is employed. No sightings or recordings of current level lava down in the conduit.
In speaking with our local Fire Department I learned, (and was confirmed by civil defense) that the only SO2 protective masks are those that come with an air tank and require training and certification. In other words, there is no mask for civilians that will protect from SO2. However, 3M is working with the Red Cross to send in a donation of masks, for emergency temporary use only, NOT for ultimate protection, but for reduced exposure in the event of a mass evacuation. We are awaiting for the Department of Health to approve them, and the disclaimers. I am personally asking DOH to approve the distribution because I believe any available extra layer of safety is worth having. Thank you Leah Gouker for your hard work in taking it upon yourself to coordinate with 3M, Red Cross, the County, and State Gov.
HOUSING (also see previous updates)
Long Term Housing- Big Island Lava Flow Housing Network
Short Term Housing- I encourage everyone who is OFFERING or NEEDS an extra room or house to create an account at
-Air BnB hosts are offering free housing to leave evacuees in Waimea and other locations they are prioritizing people who have animals for more information contact Lottie Tagupa 808-258-2996 or
Update 5-9-18 by the Office of Jen Ruggles
104 acres have been covered by hot lava and 36 homes lost. Residents of Black Sands Subdivision were unsettled yesterday by booming noises and quakes under the subdivision. There was ground deformation and seismic activity under Black Sands, but not huge. There is no immediate threat UNLESS one feels constant tremors, smells sulfur gases, and see larger and larger cracks appear. Halemaumau has also become active. See Hawaii Volcano National Park video here. Key is education, alerting neighbors and preparation. I advise everyone in Puna to have an evacuation plan. District 5 is affected. See an evacuation guide below.
1. Hawaii Volcano Observatory is having a very LAST MINUTE MEETING 7 pm TONIGHT at at Kilauea Visitor center. This will an educational meeting regarding the potential for steam blasts and explosions at Halemaumau similar to 1924. There is an estimated two week window where the lava lake at summit may sink below the water table (around 1,500 ft deep), and if that happens, danger will be real. It may not happen, or the resulting events shows it is smaller threat.
2. Civil Defense community meeting Thursday, 5/10 5:30pm Pahoa High Cafeteria.
1. National Guard teams monitored varying quantities of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) within evacuation area. Our Civil Defense office is in discussions with the Department of Health about putting a continuous air monitor at Pahoa. The Department of health reported they now have four SO2 monitors on island that will be reactivated and relocated. So far, one will be in Pahoa and one at Nanawale subdivision. These will have the ability to connect to the internet and report online. Our office is requesting the public have access to the information online, and that air monitors also be put in Kalapana, Kaimu, Seaview, Opihikao and Black Sands.
2. Stay informed of air quality using this website (even though its a bit hard to read it is the best I am aware of):
The 60,000 gallons of pentane is being transported out and take some time to get out. Governor Ige stated that he has given the Mayor and Civil Defense the ability to take control of the PGV facility. This is to deal with the potential disaster that Pentane possesses and the possibility of blowouts of the geothermal wells that have from volcanic activity and earthquakes. All hazards, all risks will be identified and mitigated as best he can.
Paradise Helicopters is offering FREE rides over the evacuation area for evacuees Leilani and PunaLani. Call 808-969-7392 to be put on the waitlist and they will call you when there is an opening. The next opening is at 2:30pm today for one seat.
1. I encourage everyone who is OFFERING or NEEDS an extra room or house to create an account at
2. Air BnB hosts are offering free housing around the island and other locations for more information contact Lottie Tagupa 808-258-2996 or
1. The grassroots information center at Highway 130 and Pohoiki Road (who is also needing help with and providing hot food – the county shelters are not providing hot food because of liability, if you can help with that, call me at 808-961-8263). They are asking for toiletries, personal hygiene items, ziplock bags, tents, tarps, and hep with hot food. (There has been some controversy about this information center being “illegitimate” however, I support them and am appreciative for everyone who have volunteered or donated.)
2. Food Basket (Instant soup/meals pop cans preferred, canned proteins (fish), personal care items (teeth care, soap, hair wash, wipes), 5-gallon buckets/water containers with covers, gift cards, money (
3. Salvation Army has also taken on coordinating which shelters need what donations, needing slippers, tents, towels, eyeglasses and you can contact them at 808-756-0306.
4. Check out to find specific evacuees to help.
• Highway 130 is closed between Malama Street and Kamaili Road.
• Pohoiki Road is closed from Highway 132 to Hinalo Street.
• No access is allowed at this time for residents of Lanipuna Gardens due to dangerous volcanic gases.
1. Evacuees should pick up their mail at the Pahoa Post Office at 15-2859 Pahoa Village Road while their neighborhoods are inaccessible.
2. Evacuees should submit Change of Address forms so that their mail can be redirected to them in a timely manner.
Aloha all. My name is Dan Straub, I’m the UPS supervisor for the big island. With all the recent events with the volcano we have been unable to deliver in the area that has been affected. That being said I’ve arranged to have myself and another driver at Sacred Heart church on Friday from 1030-230. We are in the process of contacting people with packages, but I wanted to put it out in a bigger forum for all to see. If you have been expecting packages we will have them out for pickup at sacred heart on Friday. To pickup packages I will need identification and if possible any other ways with your address so we can identify you. If you have any questions feel free to private message me. We want to reach as many affected customers as possible. Please share this post with any relevant groups. Mahalo for your time and we hope to see everyone we can Friday!
PETS (free shelters)
– Anyone with pets in some sort of container can take them to Pahoa Community Center if you are sheltering there.
– If you don’t have a container or are not staying at the shelter contact Mo at the Parks and Recreation Department to find a shelter for your pet at 557-7937.There are 2 options 1) The Equestrian Center and 2) The State Department of Ag Quarantine Station. You will need to take care of the food and water for your pets.
– We are compiling people volunteering their private properties and homes for a few pets at a time. Please contact my office 961-8263.
LIVESTOCK (free shelters)
– Cynthia McDonald has 8 acres of big fenced pasture in Kea’au she is donating to take in up to 200 cattle and horses. You can reach her at 968-8325.
– Contact Mo 557-7937 to explore your options for either the 1) The Equestrian Center and 2) The State Department of Ag Quarantine Station. You will need to take care of the food and water for your pets.
EVACUATION ITEMS AND TO DO LIST (Our list is not meant to be exhaustive, but to give you a head start on planning.)
-Cell phone charger
-Copies of all forms of ID, passport, social security card, birth certificates, wills, and pictures of your family in ziplock/waterproof bag.
-Toilet paper, menstruation needs, soap, hair wash.
-Toothbrushes and toothpaste
-Bedding and towels
-Compact food items such as dried foods, snack bars, canned food
-Water bottles filled with water
-Flashlight and batteries
-Diapers and Baby Wipes
-Map of the island and Puna area
-Pet food if needed
-Pet kennel
-Handcrank radio
-Take pictures of your house, items you leave, and surroundings
-Take pictures of your family
-Fill your gas tank
-Upload copies of all forms of ID, passports, social security card, birth certificates, wills, pictures of your family to an online secure cloud drive and thumb drive. Pack thumb drive in water proof bag.
-Find homes for your pets, using resources such as https://www.punalavaflow2018.
-The Post Office is helping Puna evacuee with change of address:
-Stay informed of air quality using these websites:
-An overall resource webpage has been created that covers many of the considerations in this update: https://www.punalavaflow2018.
-Discuss a meeting place with your family if in the case you are separated and communication services are down.
Evacuation policy from Hawaii County
For Leilani Estates, from 7 am to 6 pm, authorities will on the scene will allow residents to check on their properties and remove items of value.
Please, in executing this policy, the following are in effect:
-Individuals are allowed to enter Leilani Estates Subdivision to conduct business of checking their homes and removal of items of value
-Authorities on the scene will determine what areas will be safe for you to enter.
-Please be aware, because of changing conditions that involve toxic gas, lines of safety can change at any time.
-Sensitivity to Sulfur Dioxide is a very individual thing, You must use your senses of smell and sight to determine safety. You must know what is safe for you.
-Under no circumstances should children be allowed in restricted areas. Keep them safe.
UPDATE May 7th, 2018: It’s official that the pentane will start being removed in the next few days.
In response to the calls about the pentane at PGV here is what I know:
Yesterday I saw Billy Clark’s facebook post about 60,000 gallons pentane currently at PGV so I went to civil defense office, and confirmed that this is in fact, true. I then went to the table where the national guard was stationed. As I started questioning them on who has the authority and ability to transport the pentane,
Talmadge Magno, Civil Defense Director, pulled me outside and said I should not talk directly to anyone at the civil defense office and if I needed anything I must go directly to him. I apologized and thanked him for making me aware of this policy. I told him many people are reasonably concerned about the pentane at PGV and asked, “who has the authority and ability to transport the pentane out of PGV?” Talmadge replied, “what if we move it and it explodes in transport, say in HPP?.”
I responded that I am not a scientist and am simply trying to get answers because people are very concerned for their safety. He said PGV is in alignment with what is required by them by the EPA, their emergency plan,: that the PGV has secured their site and the pentane has been moved to high ground surrounded by 800 acres, their risk assessment has determined that it is safer to leave at the site then to transport it out, and Hawaii Volcano Observatory would tell them when they’re in risk of lava. I responded with “Isn’t everyone in Leilani being required to evacuate because their at risk of lava?” He said “yes.” I asked, “Isn’t PGV in Lielani?” He said, “incorrect.” “So PGV is NOT in Leilani?” “No, it is not,” he replied. I then confirmed with him, “so it is civil defenses position that the pentane not be moved out until HVO advises them they’re in threat of lava?” He replied yes.
I called civil defense this morning to see if PGV’s position has changed since it appears the lava may be moving up mauka, and they responded that PGV has “secured the site since Friday, and personnel are currently on site are monitoring the situation.” I asked to speak with a representative of HVO, and they had Jim Kauahikaua the HVO scientist in-charge call me. I just spoke to him and told him what Talmadge said about PGV not being threatened by lava. He said he “doesn’t know who told him that” I asked him if he was aware of the 60,000 gallons of pentane at PGV. He said they hadn’t been focused on that and briefed me on the status of the lava. H then he said Mike Kaleikini (PGV liaison) was right there and he’d talk to him and call me back. 15 minutes later Jim called me back.
Jim said the pentane is stored in the pu’uhonua cone, “up high”, and will not be initially impacted by the lava. He explained some of the analysis on where the roads are, how lava flows, and that ultimately, if everything is covered by lava, since it’s high it will be the last thing covered as the lava will go around the base of cone, and that bottom line is lava flows down hill. Here is a segment of Talmadge being questioned about it, around 4 min in to the video. I hope this is helpful to you, and now you know what I know.
~ Railroad emergency access gates will open at 6:00am and close at 6:30pm. Govt. Beach road open without gates from HPP to Kapoho.
~ Evacuees can have access into Leilani from 7:00am to 6:00pm daily to check on homes and remove valuables provided air quality is sufficient to not pose a serious health threat. Bring ID but children should not enter the area due to air quality.
`DOE announces Pahoa School (k-12) will be OPEN Monday. Kua O ka La, HAAS, Nawahiokalaniopu’u and Ke Ana La’ahana will be CLOSED Monday.
~HELCO is trying to keep the lights on when their poles are taken by lava but expect outages.
~Board of Water Supply is establishing a temporary bypass waterline to restore water service to the makai lower Puna areas of Pohoiki, Vacationland, and Kapoho. A water truck is located near the Vacationland mailboxes for public use. Expect further updates.
~HPD and the Prosecutor’s Office have established a policy of zero tolerance towards looting or vandalism. Under Emergency Provisions, any looting or vandalism will be treated as a felony.
Please take supplies to the Information Center on the corner of Highway 130 and Pohoiki Road as Parks and Recreation has indicated to me they are at capacity at the shelters until their Distribution Center is set up. There’s a chance the Pahoa Gym may reject your supplies, however the Information Center will accept everything. The Information Center is specifically requesting ziplocks, batteries, boxes, recycled bags, toiletries, sanitary wipes, baby care items, and pet supplies.
UPDATE: Civil Defense is working on a plan to allow residents limited access to their homes. I don’t know when this will be completed but please know they are working on it and I will keep you posted as soon as I know more.
Lava has now erupted in 8 locations in Leilani, from Luana st on the Kalapana side down across Makamae st., down Leilani Blvd to Hookupu st., 5 structures total have been covered since the outbreak. As more vents are continuing to open sulfur dioxide levels are still high.The cracks in Ainaloa, Hawaiian Beaches, and HPP are not volcanic and are from the earthquakes. An information booth is being set up at the corner of hwy 130 and Pohoiki rd and will have geologists and other experts present. I encourage everyone to follow Ikaika Marzo for live updates: Also subscribe to civil defense alerts:
First, THANK YOU to the several generous donations and stores who have taken the initiative to serve as a distribution center (see below). The county is currently working with the Salvation Army and Red Cross to set up a Main Distribution Center, in Pahoa, for not only those in the shelter, but for those located else where but still need supplies (they must show they have a Leilani address). For now, you can currently drop off the following items at Pahoa Gym for until I give an update on the official Distribution Center, (we are awaiting the go ahead from the parks n rec dept who will have this established tomorrow) – until then, please only contribute these much needed items:
-New Underwear
-New Clothes
-Used Clothes *Should be dropped off at the Salvation Army in Hilo, who will then clean and sort the clothes, and provide a voucher to evacuees*
-Phone Chargers
-Eyeglasses (prescription and eye glasses)
-Sanitary Wipes (please drop these KEAAU as there is no shower)
-New Pillows
-Non-Perishable Food
-New Towels
1. the majority of these accommodations are homes all FREE- please go here and make profile if you are OFFERING extra room or NEEDING an extra room.
2. AirBnB- call Lottie who will take your information and connect you with available free or discounted available rooms and houses around the island 808-885-0936.
3. Kea Keolanui is offering a small shelter in Papaikou, camping, and an off grid house. They are offering space for a couple more family’s or people call 808-987-3834. They have food, water, and sleeping supplies.qx
4. One person in Kohala is offering space for camping, some housing, and storage. Search Mariah Barnett to contact her directly on Facebook.
5. Debbie Williams is offering camping space in HPP 760-625-2537.
UBER is offering FREE rides to and from Keaau and Pahoa Community Centers, just download the app and enter to promocode “PUNASAFE” when you book your ride.
Toumich from civil defense told KHON today that “when the air quality gets better” they “may be willing to let people in.”
Civil defense is working on getting in contact with those whose houses were taken Fire fighters are coming home sick from the sulfur dioxide.
Water spigots have been installed near the entrance of Lava Tree State Park and a water tanker has been placed in Vacationland for public access.
PETS (free shelters)
– Anyone with pets in some sort of container can take them to Pahoa Community Center if you are sheltering there.
– If you don’t have a container or are not staying at the shelter contact Mo at the Parks and Recreation Department to find a shelter for your pet at 557-7937.There are 2 options 1) The Equestrian Center and 2) The State Department of Ag Quarantine Station. You will need to take care of the food and water for your pets.
– We are compiling people volunteering their private properties and homes for a few pets at a time. Please contact my office 961-8263.
LIVESTOCK (free shelters)
– Cynthia McDonald has 8 acres of big fenced pasture in Kea’au she is donating to take in up to 200 cattle and horses. You can reach her at 968-8325.
– Contact Mo 557-7937 to explore your options for either the 1) The Equestrian Center and 2) The State Department of Ag Quarantine Station. You will need to take care of the food and water for your pets.
If you see a animal housing offer that fits your situation, we ask that YOU CONTACT THEM DIRECTLY by searching their name and messaging them on Facebook (if they haven’t said we can post their number publicly). Please post offers in the comments; this post will be updated as needed. Mahalo nui loa.
Shannon Matson, can house endless chickens and ducks. Hilo.
Kami Carter, cattle and possibly horses. Waimea.
Mariah Barnett, pets, animals, belongings. Kohala.
Crystal Richard, chickens and small rabbits
Brian Spencer, has 20 acres for livestock.
Vicki Moorehead, goats.
Ruth Beauchan, dogs and puppies, Ocean View.
Micheal Kahler, livestock, Eden Rock.
Debbie Williams, 760-625-2537, Pets, HPP.
Leonard Tinay, Fenced yard, Kennel
Susan Regeimbal Fern Acres, available to trailer horses and other livestock, have a small pasture suitable for 2 horses or goats, sheep, etc.562-243-4800.

Official Resources
View Maps Showing the Locations of Lava Features:
Webcam images: (View Leilani)
Lava Flow Maps:
Definitions of terms used in update:
Overview of Kīlauea summit (Halemaʻumaʻu) and East Rift Zone (Puʻu ʻŌʻō ) eruptions:
Summary of volcanic hazards from Kīlauea eruptions:
Recent Earthquakes in Hawai’i (map and list):
Explanation of Volcano Alert Levels and Aviation Color Codes: and
Lava viewing information:
Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park:
County of Hawaii:
Kalapana lava-viewing area:
The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory is one of five volcano observatories within the U.S. Geological Survey and is responsible for monitoring volcanoes and earthquakes in Hawai`i.