Last Minute Info on Absentee Mail in Ballots

Last Minute Info on Absentee Mail in Ballots

Aloha from Friends of Jen Ruggles,
Some of you are involved with door to door and getting the vote out campaigns.
Here is some last minute info on absentee mail in ballots.
All mail in ballots must be received by the Elections Center by 6 pm. Saturday, Primary Election Day, to be counted.
Mailing them in by Thursday, Aug. 11 at any post office, has a good chance of meeting that deadline. Mailing in after that date is problematic. If in doubt, options are:
Anyone can assist a voter who has voted, sealed the ballot in the official envelope and SIGNED THE OUTSIDE.
Anyone can take that sealed envelope to the absentee walk in stations and deliver it, while that station is open, up thru Thursday.
Also, it can be delivered in the two County Elections offices until close of business on Friday.
OR the sealed, signed ballot envelopes can be dropped off, by anybody, at ANY election polling site on Saturday.
Please vote!