We Won!

Aloha Kakou,

We did it! Together we won by 392 votes, having achieved 1,959 votes, at 49.7% vs. the incumbent at 1,657, at 42.1%. Your vote has been counted and our message has been heard. I am deeply honored and humbled to have your support in full-filling my life’s passion in serving our community in a meaningful way and helping to make Puna an even better place to live. Thank you.

I believe our campaign has set precedent for what democracy should look like. Campaigns for public service should be focused on the people who live here and how public officials can better serve them. As the first candidate to walk the Puna district, the campaign was not about me- it was about you. It was about reaching out to our community, caring about what you have to say, talking story, and talking solutions.

As a publicly funded candidate what we didn’t have in money, let me tell you- we had in people power. I couldn’t have asked for a better campaign team. You all know who you are, this campaign would not had been the same with out each and every one of you who stepped up to go door to door, phone bank, organize an event, donate, put up a sign, sign waved, supported us on Facebook, and or said words of encouragement. Every little or large amount of support added up remarkably in having what it took to win!

I am inspired by the passion in our district to embrace our diversity and creativity. We are ready to build a thriving local economy that makes it easy for local businesses, fosters agriculture, and boosts our green collar job industry.We can and must full-fill our potential to be 100% sustainable, protect our environment, and create jobs. We are ready for better roads, an improved bus system, and safer neighborhoods.

I am excited to continue to hear your ideas, to work closely with you and for you. Your voice has been heard and you have made a difference. 

My sincerest gratitude,
