Big Island Minute

The Big Island Minute, is idea initiated by Hilo Attorney Steven Strauss at the 2016 Democratic Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Residents of Big Island along with neighbor islanders joined us in the front of the convention. Each participant had 1 minute to speak on whatever topic he/she wanted to talk about. Senator Big Island Minute, Hawaii Democtratic Convention 2016Russell Ruderman, Councilwoman Margaret Wille, County Council Candidate Jen Ruggles, and Representative Richard Creagan were among the speakers.  “This was a great demonstration of impromptu democracy. Everybody has a voice, everybody has a minute,” said Jen Ruggles.

“This is my first convention, and like many of you, it has been an enlightening experience. These conventions shape the future of our political climate- who becomes our president and what legislation our party should pursue.

The fact we even have to QUESTION whether or not our vote at the presidential preference poll will be represented, after waiting in the long lines, all day, in the hot sun, is atrocious and unacceptable. It is clear there is a lot of work to be done.”



Big Island Minute, Hawaii Democratic Convention 2016

Big Island Minute, Hawaii Democratic octratic Convention 2016